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Duration of treatment


Laser Hair Removal in Hamburg

Laser Hair Removal in Hamburg

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal with a Diode Laser

  • → Permanently reduced hair growth
  • → Hygienic overall appearance
  • → Well-groomed look

State-of-the-Art Technology Ensures a Perfect Result

Difference Between Diode Laser and IPL/SHR Hair Removal

At Traumpraxis am Alstertor, we use a modern diode laser for hair removal. Unlike IPL and SHR lasers, which target pigments in the skin, the diode laser specifically targets the hair roots. This makes it effective for removing even light-colored hair on darker skin. The diode laser offers three different wavelengths, allowing it to be customized for various skin types. It provides particularly targeted and fast treatment of hair roots using gliding technology. Compared to other laser methods, diode laser treatment is significantly less painful and gentler.

Der Ablauf einer Laser-Haarentfernung in unserer Praxis

Ausführliche Beratung
Wie bei allen Behandlungen stehen Sie als Kundin oder Kunde bei der Traumpraxis am Alstertor im Mittelpunkt. Vor der eigentlichen Behandlung findet immer ein ausführliches Beratungs- und Aufklärungsgespräch statt. Dabei klären wir gemeinsam, ob es gesundheitliche Faktoren gibt, die gegen die Behandlung mit dem Diodenlaser sprechen.
Die eigentliche Behandlung ist unkompliziert und schmerzarm. Zu Beginn des Laserns wird die Haut mithilfe des Kühlgeräts heruntergekühlt. Daher verspürt man während der Behandlung keine Schmerzen, sondern nur ein leichtes Pieks-Gefühl. Die Dauer der Laser-Haarentfernungssitzungen für Frauen und Männer variiert und hängt stark von der Haardichte ab.
Nach der Behandlung
Sie sind direkt nach der Sitzung wieder alltagsfähig. Die Haut ist nach dem Lasern für einige Tage empfindlicher als sonst und sollte in dieser Zeit möglichst nicht direkt dem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt werden. Ist dies nicht möglich, empfiehlt sich das Auftragen eines Sunblockers (Lichtschutzfaktor 50).
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The Laser Hair Removal Procedure in Our Practice

Detailed Consultation

At Traumpraxis am Alstertor, you are our priority. A detailed consultation and information session are always conducted before the actual treatment. Together, we will determine if there are any health factors that might contraindicate treatment with the diode laser.


The treatment is straightforward and painless. The skin is cooled at the beginning of the session using a cooling device, ensuring that you only feel a slight prickling sensation. The duration of laser hair removal sessions varies depending on hair density and the area being treated.

After the Treatment

You can return to your daily activities immediately after the session. However, the skin may be more sensitive than usual for a few days and should be protected from direct sunlight. If sun exposure is unavoidable, we recommend applying a sunblock with SPF 50.

Several Sessions Necessary - But Why?

For 80% of women and men, an average of 10-12 treatments is needed to permanently reduce up to 80% of hair growth through laser hair removal. Individual responses to treatment vary: some see minimal regrowth after just three treatments, while others may require more. Various factors, such as genetically determined hair root depth, melanin structure, body site, hair density, and hormone levels, influence treatment outcomes. Sessions are typically spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Visible success is generally noticeable after eight to ten treatments. If results are not satisfactory, we may discuss whether to modify or discontinue the treatment.

Hair Roots and Follicles

Hair growth occurs in phases, including an active growth phase and a resting phase, where follicles and hair roots are inactive. Inactive hair roots are not affected by the diode laser, which is why hair growth decreases significantly after the first one or two sessions. After five to six treatments, hair is visibly thinned out. However, previously dormant roots can become active again, necessitating continued treatment. We recommend a total of ten to twelve sessions for optimal results.

Things to Bear in Mind During Laser Hair Removal

Before the Treatment

For effective hair removal with a diode laser, short hair stubble is required. Shave the area to be treated one day before the session. Avoid plucking and waxing for about eight weeks before the first session. Refrain from sauna visits ten days before the treatment, and avoid tanning beds during the entire treatment period.

After the Treatment

After the treatment, avoid sauna visits for about ten days. The skin may be sensitive and red for two to three days and should be protected during this time. Avoid direct sunlight, and use sunblock (SPF 50) on exposed areas. Do not pluck or wax hair between sessions to ensure all hair roots can be effectively treated.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

At Traumpraxis am Alstertor, diode laser hair removal is offered from €29 per session. Costs vary depending on the area of the body being treated. Please refer to our price list for exact details. Note that complete hair removal typically requires ten to twelve sessions.

Risks of Permanent Hair Removal by Laser

Laser hair removal with a diode laser is generally low-risk. The treatment typically results in a temporary increase in skin sensitivity, which may be more pronounced in sensitive skin types. Certain medications that increase light sensitivity can also intensify skin reactions. We will discuss these risks in detail during your consultation.

Über die Behandlung: Laser Haarentfernung



Langfristige ergebnisse



je nach Hauttyp






30 bis 60 Minuten

Langfristige ergebnisse




Je nach Hauttyp





30 bis 60 Minuten

Top Preise

Kosten Laser Haarentfernung

Pro Sitzung PREIS
Diodenlaser: ab 29€

Bei der Traumpraxis am Alstertor bieten wir die Haarentfernung per
Diodenlaser ab 29€ pro Sitzung an. Die Kosten variieren je nach zu
behandelnder Körperregion. Genaue Details entnehmen Sie bitte unserer
Preisliste. Beachten Sie, dass eine vollständige Haarentfernung zwischen
zehn und zwölf Sitzungen erfordert.


How Long Does the Hair Stay Gone After Laser Treatment?


Diode laser treatment has a permanent effect, but it is advisable to schedule two to three refresher sessions per year after the initial treatment. This helps prevent individual hairs from regrowing. The number of refresher sessions needed depends on individual hair growth patterns, with men often requiring more sessions than women.


A typical diode laser treatment plan consists of ten to twelve sessions. The first eight to ten sessions are scheduled at one-month intervals, while the remaining sessions can be spaced six to eight weeks apart.


After diode laser treatment, the skin is more sensitive to light and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use sunblock with SPF 50.


Permanent hair removal with diode lasers is generally low-risk with minimal side effects.

The duration of the treatment depends on the size of the area being treated. For facial treatments, sessions typically last 10-15 minutes.


The treatment is virtually painless. Some patients may experience a tingling sensation, which quickly subsides.